Leadership & The Wall
I‘ve been trying to think about the idea of Sincerity. Specifically how sincerity relates to being a leader. You can talk all day long about what you’re going to do, but until people see you doing it, they won’t believe you. Or believe in you… Have you ever heard...
Ep.3 Communal – Starlitt Miller
Starlitt is a focused, inspired and driven entrepreneur. It was an enlightening conversation as we explored both the creative and analytical sides of her continuing story.
Ep.2 Communal – Sherard “Shekeese” Duvall
Talking with Sherard and learning what media literacy really is and why is it so important that we understand how media (social media) affects us and shapes our perspectives and beliefs.
Practical Ways to Protect Your Time
Practical Ways to Protect Your Time You look at the calendar, packed full of meetings, and wonder how in the world you’re going to get everything done today. And tomorrow looks just as busy. Or maybe you glance at your phone to see it’s 4:30, and you feel a...
Slack Sessions: How to Fiercely Protect Your Time
Time is a scarce resource. It must be guarded and used wisely. We asked our members how they view and protect time. Here's what they had to say. First, we asked what time means to our members and why it's important to protect it Since time is so important, we...
Ep.1 Communal – Greg Hilton
In the first episode of our show we’re talking with Greg Hilton about SOCO, its inception to current status.
Boba Fett and His Lessons of Leadership
If you’re like me you’ve tediously waited for each Wednesday morning for the latest episode of The Book of Boba Fett to drop. I’ve been a long time Star Wars fan since the early 80’s. I’ve survived the long draught between the original trilogy (Ep. 4, 5 &...
“Being an Entrepreneur is Something You Did”
Malai Roper’s Journey from Educator to Eduprenuer When she was 10 years old, Malai Roper wrote down that she wanted to be a fourth-grade teacher. Malai tutored her cousins in French, so she already had a knack for teaching. Unlike most kids, Malai...
These Are the Books Our Members Say You Should Read
There are not many things on earth better than a good book. And SOCO members are a well-read bunch. Here are the books they recommend reading, whether you want to go to a fictional world or learn about something brand new. Non-fiction Four Lost Cities: A Secret...