Ep.11 Communal – Scott Padgett
Dr. Padgett is a humble man. He’s a living legend as far as i’m concerned and will never admit it but probably one of the more important figures (even if behind the scenes) that contributed to the music lore of Columbia through the 90’s. Through his love of music and booking for his now legendary venue Rockafellas. He is wonderful to talk to, let’s all try to learn from his words in this latest episode of the SOCO Podcast.
Ep.10 Communal – Bailey Lewis
Founder of Words First Content Strategy and Words First Community. She teaches next-level content strategy tactics and processes for organizations all over the globe, with the goal of improving her clients’ business and, at the same time, bettering the digital world we all spend so much time in every day.
Refocusing on Your Work
Since we're halfway through 2022, we wanted our community to take a moment and see if they need to refocus. When life happens, we often lose focus on our work. So we sought input from our members on why they lose focus and how they address it. We asked why members...
How to Refocus On Your Work
We’re roughly halfway through the year. And if you’ve avoided breaking out in a cold sweat because time is flying by, then this is a great time to step back and refocus on your work. It’s easy to lose sight of goals we established way back in January. And a...
Stop Living in the Gap
I live my life in the gap. Every day. And I bet you do too.
Ep.9 Communal – Living in the Gap
Greg and Gene talk through some of things that you may encounter in your life as a business owner or dreamer. Working hard is often something that we are praised for and for good reason but what happens when you find yourself constantly trying to reach for that ever unreachable horizon?
Setting Boundaries at Work
We all could do a little better job of setting boundaries at work. And it's not always easy to know where to start. So we asked our members how they set boundaries and why it's important to enforce them. First, we asked why SOCO members want boundaries in their...
Ep.8 Communal – Andi Graham
Andi is one of those people that you just want to get to know. She is a strong leader who leads from the front with a strong sense of confidence and a solid dose of humility to boot. Through starting her agency in 2005-ish to recent acquisitions and move from the beach to the mountains that we all dream of this is one conversation i’m sure you’ll get some great advice from.
How to Set Boundaries with Yourself and Your Work
It’s hard to say no, isn’t it? For most of us, telling someone we can’t do something just feels awkward. We think we’re letting them down. Or we’re giving up an opportunity for ourselves. But the truth is, saying “no,” can be one of the most liberating things...