SOCO Members Share Tools, Tactics and Topics They’re Exploring To Make Life and Work Improvements.

What Is “1% Every Day”?

Around here, we’re passionate about growth, development and being your best self. Whether that’s personal growth or professional growth, we really subscribe to the 1% Every Day concept.  That idea simply states that if you continue to invest in yourself and improving every day (or week or month, you get the idea), that over time, you can achieve transformative change and astonishing growth.

But getting started can be scary. At first, the changes will seem insignificant. But when repeated over a long period of time, these small daily improvements add up to a significant change in just a year.

But, how do you get there?  And how do you keep yourself accountable for that level of commitment?  We talked with some of our members in the SOCO community about the tools, tactics and growth opportunities they’re interested in right now.  There’s great wisdom in the collective, so we asked members three questions around what their learning, what their focused on and what tools they’re using to push forward and keep growing. We hope you enjoy!

#1: What book, podcast, or video has given you an “aha” moment, and why? 🔥

Witt Bauknight: Founder/Owner BrainSTEM Tutoring

Too many to count! Most of my recs are entrepreneurial-focused.

1. Profit First (Mike Michalowicz)- There’s already a cult-following for this book at SOCO. Great lesson or reminder that the point of owning a company is to serve YOU.

2. I Will Teach You to Be Rich (Ramit Sethi)- a good personal finance book. Sethi is a newer Dave Ramsey, but his ideas on automating personal finances is crucial. This is my go-to gift for HS and College graduates.

3. How to Get Rich (Felix Dennis)-Ignore the cheesy title again, but you notice a trend. An entertaining read with snippets that are geared towards entrepreneurs that are building something great.

Elissa Macarin: Senior Manager of Design, DxTEL

The SOCO book club books have really been taking me out of my “comfort” reading genres and it’s been a lot of fun to just read!

Ernest Wiggins: Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina

I really enjoy reading Monocle magazine and frequently have “aha moments” while reading their reporting on quality of life innovations in cities around the world — not just world capitals but other cities of note. I believe they also have podcasts.

Jared Macarin: Senior Editor, Home Solutions

Radical Candor. I was sent the book when I started my new job. It’s about leadership and it gave me good perspective for working with others.

Christina Goodman:  Owner, Visual Brand Specialist, Artvark Creative

I am always inspired by makers who share their creative process online whether they work in pottery, smithing, or leatherwork, it inspires me to do my own projects when I see other folk being creative.

#2: What’s a life-changing tool you’d recommend to fellow SOCO members?


A thorough calendar. This rec is for the younger, disorganized crowd like me. Life and business is too busy to not write stuff down. I use Google Calendar because my whole life is essentially on G-Suite, but I like that I can look at my work and personal calendar simultaneously. My goal is to be able to block out my work calendar for the benefit of my personal calendar, and not the other way around.


Take naps, sometimes your brain/body just really need to shut down and reset and that’s OK!


Actually, I have found watching the YouTube channel Primitive Technology hugely transformative. A man working in the Australian Outback builds shelters and tools with nothing but the material found in the area. The only modern instrument is the camera he uses to record his activities. The videos are not narrated — except with captions — and they are fascinating and grew my appreciation for individual resourcefulness and commitment to salvaging and recycling material.


Prioritizing relaxation in your daily schedule. We all need to unwind.


I’ve been really loving It’s an app that uses audio frequencies to help increase focus-especially for neurodivergent folk. It’s almost annoying that it works so well. 🙂

#3: What is one area of growth you are focusing on this year, and what are you doing about it?


My year follows the school year, so this is a great time to reflect and “manifest” those growth goals. It’s morbid, but if I died tomorrow, BrainSTEM Tutoring would die with me and come to a screeching halt. A less morbid case, if I wanted to travel to Italy next year for my best friend’s destination wedding, would I be glued to my phone/laptop the whole time, or would I be able to unplug and business things keep chugging along? My goal for growth will be to continue to expand BrainSTEM Tutoring to be the go-to STEM tutors at more colleges in the southeast while pulling myself out of the day to day.


Get outside A LOT more! (When it’s not a million degrees out) and just move.


I am slowly working on building my understanding of data science and its applications.


Professional growth. Just became certified as an educator for personal Finance, and just learning more areas of the space in general.

Christina Goodman:  

I am pushing past fear and imposter syndrome to submit my own short fiction stories to magazines for publication. I celebrate every rejection (got four in July) as a win-along-the-way.

Speaking of Growth ✨

While we’re on the subject of growth, doing your best work and generally being a bad-assed human…we think you should come find your happy (work) place with us at SOCO. We work really hard to create great workspaces filled with excellent, kind humans, chock-full of amenities like blazing wifi, bottomless coffee/tea and well appointed meeting rooms. We have coworking, fixed desk and private office options. We also have an incredible community of like-minded professionals to lean on, leverage and contribute to (that’s the fun part). Join us whydontcha?