Cofounder Greg Hilton shares his take on the 6 kinds of people you need on your entrepreneurial (or professional journey).

Go It Alone, At Your Peril!

Building something awesome can be a super lonely road.

But, that’s your own fault because it doesn’t have to be. You can go it alone, but that’s a: stupid 👎 and b: unlikely to get you where you want to go 🙃. It’s all about your support tribe, your inspirations, your accountability partners and the people you learn from. For years, I was enamored by the idea that I was a rogue agent pushing against a machine that I didn’t believe in working against the grain to create something different. This led me to think I could do it on my own and I didn’t need help (it also resulted in underperformance if I’m being honest). I’m thankful to have “evolved” from that state of mind with the help of some coaching and some social support.

Who’s In Your Village?

I think there are 5 kinds of people you need to have on your journey to do big things and make an impact. We’ll go through each of them and hit us up on the socials or in the blog comments if we’ve missed anyone major?

#1: The mama (figure)

She (or he) doesn’t even know what you do, but supports you 100%. We all need someone who NEVER gives up on us and supports even our wildest ideas and ambitions, regardless of what they are.

Advice: Check in regularly with them…especially when you’re having a bad day. They are that dose of sunlight you need on the dark days.

#2: The (Keepin’ It Real) Life Partner

They believe in you, but have to live with you every day. They might not understand what you’re sacrificing or going through, but a lot of times you’re doing it for them. They’re a litmus test for your mental and emotional well-being. Let’s face it, if you’re stressed at work, you’re not checking that sh*t at the door as well as you think you are.

Advice: Keep them informed and don’t forget to share the wins too (because your daily updates can get a little negative sometimes).

#3: The Peer(s)

They’re on the path you’re walking, maybe a little ahead, maybe a little behind…but they understand the journey. And that’s the key. They’ve been in the trenches and your struggles are theirs. There is incredible comfort in knowing you’re not alone. Hat tip to Benjamin Culbreth for noting that this group can be super casual and social and that that’s important to the fabric of your entire journey.

Advice: If you’re not meeting and talking regularly with a group of professional peers, get you some. It can be informal for moral or social support, or it can get more formalized (here’s how we do it at SOCO).

#4: The Mentors

These are the folks that are way down that road. They’ve found success, they’ve made all the mistakes and they understand what’s at stake. They have the attitude of “paying it forward” and can love you enough to give you the brutal feedback you need.  They open doors, they speak into you. These folks, for me, have really helped to push me forward.

Advice: Pop your head up, check on your linkedin network and find a handful of people that you’re connected to that you respect. Chances are, whether they’re in your industry or not, they have some insights to share with you. Start with coffee (you buy) and see where it goes. A formal mentoring experience is a larger investment, so test the waters first. 😎

#5: The Inspirations

These are the folks shining their light on the entire world, doing inspired or incredible things or at the very top of their games. You probably don’t know them, but you can still learn from them.  They’ve found a way to set aside the small details to focus on a 10X vision (and they’ve probably chronicled that approach somewhere). They give us something to aspire towards, even if we’ll never actually meet them in person.

Advice: Find the best and the brightest out there in our planet of 8 billion souls and follow their journeys and commentary. They probably have a blog, podcast or books that can help keep you engaged and inspired.

#6: The Cheerleader (Honorable Mention)

He/she knows what you do, knows how much you pour in to it, and is always ready to encourage you to keep going.

Contributor: Naomi Sargent – Chief Operating Officer, One Spartanburg, inc

Looking For Your Village? 🏕️ 🤝🏽 🙌

Listen. Making friends or building a network as an adult can be hard. We’ve got you covered at SOCO. From workspace, to social/professional networking and peer mentoring groups…we’re building a community purpose built to support ambitious working professionals like you. Hope you’ll join us today!