Cofounder Greg Hilton shares his take on the “rules of engagement” for working with others. 😂 😭 😍

People: Can’t Work With Them, Can’t Succeed Without Them

When’s the last time you got something big done all by yourself? It happens, but it’s rare. Why? Because we’re social creatures? And big, hard, scary things are best done with others. .

I’ve spent my professional life in client services, nearly 12 years (whaaat?) building the SOCO Community, 10+ years serving clients at Period Three and nearly 20 years working to build a stronger, more connected entrepreneurial community in my adopted home state of South Carolina (particularly in Columbia, SC).  I’ve seen every kind of human and personality. I’ve worked with stellar ones and really despicable ones.  

We’re All In The People Business

I’ve been thinking a lot how so much of my success can be linked back to working with people I really trust and strong relationships.  If you look back at your most successful interactions with others, you’ll notice patterns and commonality. Over time, I’ve learned to try and leverage a set of values or rules whenever I work with others.

The 10 Immutable Laws of Working With Others

Here’s my take on how to find success in working with other people, whether as a boss, a client, a partner or a collaborateur (or collaboratrice).

#1: Live The Golden Rule (Even When Other’s Don’t)

Regardless of how people treat you, do your best to treat them the way you want to be treated.  I’ve found that if you give it out (in whatever form), you’ll get it back more often than not.  But, It’s your value…not necessarily everyone else’s

#2: Boundaries Are Table Stakes

Boundaries are absolutely REQUIRED to have a healthy and productive relationship with someone.  But, it’s on you if you don’t communicate and enforce those boundaries.

#3: Clarity Is Kindness

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen small miscommunications end up turning into major issues down the line.  You want to get more out of people?  Communicate clearly.  Be clear.  Set clear expectations.  

#4: Accountability is Another Love Language

Everyone talks a good game, but I’ve found that almost everyone benefits from having a little accountability in their lives.  Most of us struggle to be accountable for ourselves.  So, help the folks in your circle honor their commitments b/c you care about them.  If you business partner isn’t living up to their end of the bargain, it is your OBLIGATION to have that painful conversation with them.  #sorrynotsorry

#5: Behavior is a Language

“Watch What They Do, Not What They Say” is a classic line that is so so so very true.  Work with people that actually speak with their actions. Hat tip to Ley Linder on this one, who’s taught me a ton about behavioral analysis.

#6: Shared Values Are More Important Than Ever

You can work with people that might not share your perspective on things.  Hell that’s healthy and can create some amazing results (in creative work for example).  But, I think it’s hard to work with people (like in the trenches work) with whom you don’t share some fundamental commonality in values.

#7: Seek To Understand

To get the most out of people, try to understand what drives and motivates them.  You’re likely to get a much better outcome having this knowledge in hand.  And remember, every single person you work with at some stage in your relationship is going through some stuff that’s rocking their world.  

#8: Avoid Selfish People

Actively avoid those that don’t put other’s needs first.  I don’t mind “enlightened self-interest”, but there are those people who cannot help but figure out what THEY can get out of the situation first.  That doesn’t lead to long-term trust (or results).  

#9: Share Ideas Freely

Some folks want to lead.  Some folks want to follow.  But almost everyone wants to be a part of something meaningful.  So, be the person that drops big ideas that inspire people to think and act differently. 

#10: Be Kind

Just be kind people.  Don’t let people take advantage of you, but put kindness into the world.  

Speaking of Teams… 🏕️ 🤝🏽 🙌

Looking to crank up the ole’ collaboation? SOCO is a great kickstarter for you or your team. From workspace, to social/professional networking and peer mentoring groups…we’re building a community purpose built to support ambitious working professionals like you. Hope you’ll join us today! And don’t forget about our fabulous meeting rooms that are designed to help your team crush more meetings.