6 SOCO Members Share What They’ve Learned On Their Paths To Growth & Success

How Do YOU Learn and Grow?

Growth is such an interesting thing. We all want it, but few of us are willing to put in the work to achieve it. Sometimes it goes according to plan. Sometimes that “growth” smacks you upside the face because life drops a bomb on you. And on (rare) occasions, we’re fortunate enough to learn something from the people around us. So, we sat down with some SOCO members get to know them, learn what makes them tick and tease out some of the lessons they’ve learned along the way.

6 Members, 6 Paths, 6 Lessons Learned 🔥

We talked to 6 SOCO members, explore their paths to growth and asked them all the same questions:

  1. What Do You Do?
  2. What Are Some Cool Side Things You’re Into?
  3. What’s Your Super Power?
  4. What’s The Biggest Lesson You’ve Learned?

#1: Kim Andrews – Founder, Kim Andrews Coaching

Tell Us What You Do: I help nonprofit leaders to be great managers. This is typically a mix of one-on-one coaching, facilitating group learning experiences, and helping teams have hard conversations in ways that build trust and understanding. 

Tell Us Some of Your Extracurriculars: Pool days with my three young kiddos and husband Brook, running and playing tennis with friends, watching bad reality TV, and reading overdue books I’ve squirreled away on my Kindle. 

Tell Us Your Super Power: Showing a genuine interest in other people. I credit my wise father, who made me read How to Win Friends and Influence People in my early teens.

What’s The Biggest Lesson You’ve Learned That Has Helped You Along The Way: 
Clarity and motivation follow (imperfect) action. I have to relearn this daily. I never imagined starting a business because I thought that was for people who had it ALL FIGURED OUT. Not true! As I take action and experiment, I get clearer about what works, what I enjoy, and how I’m best suited to help clients.

#2: Witt Bauknight – Owner/Operator, BrainSTEM Tutoring

Tell Us What You Do:  We tutor college-level STEM courses. I build relationships and connections with students and parents.

Tell Us Some of Your Extracurriculars: I cook anything from bread to smoking BBQ. I attend USC football, basketball and baseball games. I spend time with my lovely wife, Kate. 

Tell Us Your Super Power: The combination of tutoring ability, emotional intelligence, and desire to help people. All together, it leads to successful tutoring and happy stakeholders. Also optimism.

What’s The Biggest Lesson You’ve Learned That Has Helped You Along The Way: 

  1. Ignore those that look down on your entrepreneurial path from ignorance, but listen to criticism from those with experience and knowledge.
  2. Go find a customer. Paying customer = proof of need and is the start to your growth journey.
  3. Start the journey early. The more personal obligations and people that depend on you, the scarier each leap will be. 

#3: Andrew RabuckSVP – Community Development Division Manager, Woodforest National Bank

Tell Us What You Do:  I deploy capital for Community Development purposes in the southeast: Economic Development, Affordable Housing, Small Business Loan Funds, and Community Services.

Tell Us Some of Your Extracurriculars: My most favorite thing is traveling and adventuring with Michele and the family. In between trips you can find me gardening, fermenting things from the garden, baking, hiking, doing things outdoors when it is not 1000 degrees, and spending time with friends and church family. 

Tell Us Your Super Power: “Everything will be okay.” I’m super positive almost all the time.

What’s The Biggest Lesson You’ve Learned That Has Helped You Along The Way:
Say no. It’s one of the hardest lessons to learn and I’m still learning it. You will find so much freedom when you set boundaries. It’s a place where a lot of growth can occur. Also, stop and smell the roses / observe the obvious – when you pause to notice all the small things, you will be astounded by this world that God created for us, and you’ll meet some amazing people along the way.

#4: Dave Maxfield – Attorney, Author, Consultant, Cool Dude

Tell Us What You Do:  Represent people in cases against banks, credit reporting agencies, debt collectors and car dealers. 

Tell Us Some of Your Extracurriculars:  Soccer, music, autocross, AI, Formula 1 (recently), and being a grandparent while deceiving myself into thinking I’m still 25. 

Tell Us Your Super Power:  Condensing a lot of information into something simple, stealing good ideas from industries that have nothing to do with law, teaching. 

What’s The Biggest Lesson You’ve Learned That Has Helped You Along The Way:  
That the “real goal” of working is more a feeling than any particular result, and the only three reasons to work at all is to earn a living ($), to do something that matters (meaning) and because you like it (engagement).  If one of those pieces is missing, you won’t be happy at work.  Beyond that, to go imperfectly in the right direction, detached from the result, and flexibly relentless.  And how much sleep matters.  Also, wear sunscreen kids. 

#5: Kaleigh Cox – VP of Business Development and Content Operations, DxTEL

Tell Us What You Do: We help small to midsize internet service providers across North America compete with national brands with our industry-leading marketing solutions and platforms. 

Tell Us Some of Your Extracurriculars: I attend and serve at Crossroads Church, am training for my first half marathon, and recently co-authored my first book, which comes out in 2025!

Tell Us Your Super Power: As a Christian, I view my work as a calling, and that compels me to do the best work I can to love others well.

What’s The Biggest Lesson You’ve Learned That Has Helped You Along The Way:
I don’t have to be afraid of confrontation. Whether I’m addressing an issue with a vendor or owning up to my own mistakes with an apology, difficult conversations—when handled with humility and honesty—are opportunities to serve everyone well.


#6: Ley Linder – Founder/Owner, Crescent Behavioral Health

Tell Us What You Do (25 words): I am a behavioral gerontologist specializing in the behavior presentations of neurocognitive disorders in people with intellectual disabilities.

Tell Us Some of Your Extracurriculars (25 words):  Two years ago, I started an annual goal to spend one month a year in a foreign city/country.  So far, the Netherlands is complete and Montevideo is next.

Tell Us Your Super Power (25 words):  Through the lens of behavior analysis, I can explain (almost!) every behavior that you exhibit and experience in your life.  I am absolutely judging you!

What’s The Biggest Lesson You’ve Learned That Has Helped You Along The Way (50 words) Go to therapy!  Prioritizing my mental health has led to a pervasive and massive impact on my life.   I have become present in relationships, have less stress and anxiety, and have a better work/life balance.  Perhaps most importantly, I have begun to be proud of myself – which, historically, was never a consideration.

Speaking of Growth ✨

While we’re on the subject of growth, doing your best work and generally being a bad-assed human…we think you should come find your happy (work) place with us at SOCO. We work really hard to create great workspaces filled with excellent, kind humans, chock-full of amenities like blazing wifi, bottomless coffee/tea and well appointed meeting rooms. We have coworking, fixed desk and private office options. Our job is to help you do your best work and grow personally and professionally. So, get you some!