Goal Setting in 2019 w/ Jeannie Sullivan

What small steps will you take regularly to create momentum toward your goal?

If you’ve got big plans for 2019, you don’t want to miss out on setting goals. Last month, I had the chance to work with a small group of entrepreneurs, creators, and dreamers to help them map out their plans into actionable steps.

In case you missed it, here’s a quick recap of how to turn your big picture plans into actionable goals.

Step 1: Cast a Vision

Take just a few minutes to dream about how your life will look three years from now. Specifically, consider the areas of livelihood, wellness, creativity, connection (relationships), and money. Don’t worry about making this part perfect, just jot down a few phrases that represent what you hope will be happening in each area three years down the road.

Step 2: Write REAL Goals

Take each area, one-by-one, and write a REAL goals for where you’ll focus in 2019. REAL goals are like SMART goals but better. Why? Because they include feelings. What does REAL stand for?

(R) Realistic, but challenging

(E) Energizing

(A) Aligned with your vision

(L) Linked to success

An example from my own life in the area of creativity: In 2019, I’ll switch up my morning writing practice so that I’m actively working on an article, short story or poem to share; the sharing will take some courage.

Step 3: Create a Habit

Think of things you can shift in your environment that will support you in taking action toward your goal. Do you need to expand or limit your access to resources? What small steps will you take regularly to create momentum toward your goal?

Step 4: Set Your Intention

An implementation intention will help you start and protect your habits helping you actually accomplish your goals. To help you start a new habit, use a when/where statement. To help protect your habit, use an if/when statement.

Here are examples from my own goals setting strategy:

  • Weekday mornings from 5-6, I’ll write at my dining room table.
  • If  I miss a day, then I’ll add a weekend writing session.

Step 5: Make it Stick

Learn more about your own tendency when it comes to expectations and leverage it to set up accountability systems that truly work for you. To learn more, take this quick assessment by Gretchen Rubin: quiz.gretchenrubin.com.

If you’d like to learn more about these topics, check out these books that have been truly life changing for me:

  • Better Than Before, Gretchen Rubin
  • Atomic Habits, James Clear
  • The Desire Map, Danielle LaPorte

Want some help getting your plan out of your head and down on paper? Reach out to me for a free laser coaching session: jeanniesullivan.com/laser.

Knowledge Bomb: Goal Setting

It’s a familiar cycle. We set a goal, tape it to our desk, and think real hard about it for a few weeks (or minutes, if you left email open). Then something happens. Whether it’s a move, a kid, a layoff, or lack of willpower, most of our goals derail.

Since this is such a shared pain point, SOCO figured what better time to chat about it than in January.

For the first Slack Session of 2019, we met up with a group of members in the #slack_sessions channel to chat through setting and achieving our 2019 goals.

Picking a target for the new year

Some members had big targets, others had small habits they wanted to improve. Things like:

  • Get into digital illustration
  • Cut out (gasp!) caffeine
  • Plan a few snowboarding trips
  • Bulk up various savings accounts (have you read through the Personal Finance session, yet?)
  • Coach a child to a basketball championship
  • Go through the mail every day
  • Take a full month off for vacation
  • Finish a book

Figuring out how the heck to get there

Once members know their goal, it’s less of a matter of what they want to achieve, and more about how. And a lot of members think small steps are the way to go.

How NOT to hit your goals

Just like you can set yourself up for success, you can also set yourself up for failure. If you want to ensure you don’t hit your goals, here are some foolproof ways to do that.

Members’ recipes for nailing goals

Thankfully, members have just as many ideas on hitting your goals as trashing them. When we asked what’s tipped them toward “nailed it” and away from “failed it” in years past, here’s what they had to say.

To reach a goal, you have to put in daily effort. And you want to make sure you have the kind of support system that encourages you to do that. Because doing the work day in and day out? That’s far from easy.

Hey you, don’t miss the next Slack Chat!

If you’re already a member, make sure you’ve joined the #Slack_Sessions channel. It’s where we post updates about topics, times for the next chat, and other related info.

If you’re not a member, how about scheduling a free tour? You’ll get to check out our space, meet a few members, and see for yourself why we rave about SOCO.

Member Profile: Trey Bayne

“I love data no matter where it’s from. I take it as my mission to make sure you know what it can do for you if used correctly.”

What do you love about Soda City?
What don’t I love? I’ve lived here my whole life and still find amazing things I never knew existed in my own back yard.

What is your favorite part of being in the SOCO community?
SOCO gives me the chance to work near people that are smarter and more creative than me. I’m hoping some of it rubs off.

How do you take your coffee?
The way God made it. Black.

Brag on yourself, what is the coolest project you’ve worked on recently?
An advertising company wanted to place ads on semi trucks. I was able to take highly trafficked routes and find all potential advertisers in proximity to the planned routes, increasing ad revenue.

Last book read or podcast listened to?
Surprised by Joy, C.S. Lewis; The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaimen; The Hyperion Cantos, Dan Simmons.

In 5 words or less, what do you professionally?
Make data useful.

Member Profile: Lynn Luc

I’m a people connector, problem solver, avid listener, social media junkie and huge foodie. I come from Florence, SC (but born in NJ so I’m a very southern yankee). I am SOCO’s Community and Sales Manager and will be helping with the day to day businesses at our coworking space.

What do you love about Soda City?
I love the people that I meet here and the close community that exists here. Plus, the gorgeous rivers, the Soda City market and all the fun festivals here make it hard to want to live anywhere else!

What is your favorite part of being in the SOCO Community?
Getting to know everyone and the community vibe. Everyone is super helpful and the Slack Sessions are really cool + engaging.

How do you take your coffee?
Iced with a shot of caramel.

Brag on yourself, what’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently?
Helped bring together the first ever Columbia Food & Wine festival.

What’s the last book you read or podcast you listened to?
Girl, Wash Your Face — by Rachel Hollis

In 5 words or less, what do you do professionally?
SOCO Community Manager

Where can we find you online?
@gocola , @simplylynnluc , @citizensofsodacity and here

Storytelling: Your Secret Business Weapon

For countless marketers, copywriters, and agencies, storytelling is a powerful business tool. It connects businesses to customers, builds brand (personal and business), and boosts sales. It’s a pretty darn persuasive thing.

The best part is, you don’t have to be a storyteller, creative, or writer to craft and tell your business story. If you have a business, you have a story to tell.

At SOCO, we’re focused on helping every member’s business succeed. That includes helping them explain what they do and why. In October’s Slack Session, a diverse group of business owners joined us to talk about their story and how they’re using it in their business.

Stories Inspire and Motivate

We kick off most Slack Sessions with a warm up poll, but we broke the rules this month and asked a warm up question instead. We wanted to know what stories (of any kind) have really stuck with our members.

With inspiration like this, it’s no wonder our members are successful.

Beginnings, Middles, and (Really Cool) Ends

Most storiesin real life and in novelshave beginnings, middles and ends. Since everything big starts small, we asked our members what kind of humble beginnings they’ve experienced in their own journeys.

The middle of everyone’s story is what they’re living and working on now; it’s the ground between how they started and where they’re headed. Speaking of where they’re headed, SOCO members have some seriously cool end goals in mind:

Talk about stories worth telling and sharing!

It’s Not Easy Though (We Need Each Other)

While every one of our members has an awesome story, finding and refining those stories isn’t always easy.

Some of us work in complex spaces or in industries that are traditionally seen as “boring.” Good stories also involve vulnerability, and it’s not easy to open up. As we’ve seen from other Slack Sessions, running a business is damn hard and none of us get it right all the time.

Lastly, as Bill pointed out, it’s easy to forget that it’s not about us. At least, not totally. The most persuasive stories of all position our customers (not ourselves!) as heroes.

One of the things we love about SOCO, though, is it gives us a chance to constantly tell our stories. As we work alongside other members who are wrestling with their business, we have the chance to refine and grow our own.

Don’t miss the next Slack chat!  

Already a member? Join the #Slack_Sessions channel in Slack for details on the next hangout. They’re typically the second Friday of every month at 2pm.

Not yet a member? Schedule a SOCO tour todayit’s free and you’re guaranteed to meet a few of our rockstars. Once you sign up, membership at SOCO gives you full access to conversations like these and the people who participate.

Let’s tell a great story, together.

SOCO Knowledge Bomb: Productivity

We’re better when we work together.

That’s one of the reasons SOCO exists. It’s also the reason Slack Sessions exist. Slack Sessions are monthly chats hosted in SOCO’s Slack community. They’re focused on helping members work better, think bigger, and live life on their terms. From productivity to creativity, these sessions are a way for members to tap the collective brain power of the SOCO Community. They’re facilitated, real-time and relevant. They exist because this community believes we all do better work when we work together. And we’re sharing insights with you because one of SOCO’s core values is growing and learning together.

SOCO kicked off Slack Sessions earlier this year and, for the very first session, members gathered together for an online chat about productivity.

Why productivity?

Because there’s only one of you! Not to mention some of the world’s most successful people have mastered their workflow and days so much that it feels like they have clones. That means real productivity is totally possible. The tough thing is, you can find a million click-baity links on the topic of productivity but tried-and-true applications are scarce. What actually works? How do creators and business owners get stuff done? How do our members apply an internet’s worth of advice to their real-life work days?

Our community is full of folks who have hammered out these questions – and incredible work – for years. So for insights deeper than clickbait, we turned to them. Check out four takeaways (just a fraction of the conversation!) below.

1. Tools are pretty darn helpful

It’s no surprise that this tech-savvy crew has the low-down on the best productivity tools. A few apps you might recognize:

And then some tools that might surprise you:

We’re not kidding about that last one. Check out Jordan’s response to see how that tool has saved her hours.

2. The secret to using tools well? Having an overall approach.

Turns out, our members’ biggest secret to productivity isn’t what tool they use but how and why they use it. Some of the top approaches included:

  • Making lists, on paper or in a digital format
  • The rule of 3: identifying the three things that need to happen in a day
  • Following model work weeks
  • Creating and managing deadlines


3. You’ll get more done if you’re proactive about distractions

Members know they lose a lot of time to the internet, meetings, Twitter and phone notifications. But they’re not the kind of crew that sits back and does nothing about that:


4. It’s fact: some tasks are boring.

So it’s important to self-motivate. You could do that with a healthy dose of structure and deadlines, plus a sprinkling of consistency.

Or you could do it by building a sense of accomplishment.

Or if neither of those help, members shared that they’re particularly motivated by visualizing the end result and keeping the overarching “why” in mind.

This is good stuff. Don’t miss out on insights.

Want to get the whole scoop? That requires you to actually be in our #slack_sessions as a member. Sound like a community you want to be a part of? We’d love to chat with you, too. Check out memberships here.

Already a member? Awesome. Join the #Slack_Sessions channel today so you can stay up to date on the next chat!