What small steps will you take regularly to create momentum toward your goal?

If you’ve got big plans for 2019, you don’t want to miss out on setting goals. Last month, I had the chance to work with a small group of entrepreneurs, creators, and dreamers to help them map out their plans into actionable steps.

In case you missed it, here’s a quick recap of how to turn your big picture plans into actionable goals.

Step 1: Cast a Vision

Take just a few minutes to dream about how your life will look three years from now. Specifically, consider the areas of livelihood, wellness, creativity, connection (relationships), and money. Don’t worry about making this part perfect, just jot down a few phrases that represent what you hope will be happening in each area three years down the road.

Step 2: Write REAL Goals

Take each area, one-by-one, and write a REAL goals for where you’ll focus in 2019. REAL goals are like SMART goals but better. Why? Because they include feelings. What does REAL stand for?

(R) Realistic, but challenging

(E) Energizing

(A) Aligned with your vision

(L) Linked to success

An example from my own life in the area of creativity: In 2019, I’ll switch up my morning writing practice so that I’m actively working on an article, short story or poem to share; the sharing will take some courage.

Step 3: Create a Habit

Think of things you can shift in your environment that will support you in taking action toward your goal. Do you need to expand or limit your access to resources? What small steps will you take regularly to create momentum toward your goal?

Step 4: Set Your Intention

An implementation intention will help you start and protect your habits helping you actually accomplish your goals. To help you start a new habit, use a when/where statement. To help protect your habit, use an if/when statement.

Here are examples from my own goals setting strategy:

  • Weekday mornings from 5-6, I’ll write at my dining room table.
  • If  I miss a day, then I’ll add a weekend writing session.

Step 5: Make it Stick

Learn more about your own tendency when it comes to expectations and leverage it to set up accountability systems that truly work for you. To learn more, take this quick assessment by Gretchen Rubin: quiz.gretchenrubin.com.

If you’d like to learn more about these topics, check out these books that have been truly life changing for me:

  • Better Than Before, Gretchen Rubin
  • Atomic Habits, James Clear
  • The Desire Map, Danielle LaPorte

Want some help getting your plan out of your head and down on paper? Reach out to me for a free laser coaching session: jeanniesullivan.com/laser.